In 2020 the Town of Madison, NH voted to purchase a brine dispensing tank to reduce the salt impacts on their natural resources and community. It cost the Town of Madison about $10,000 for the tank – but it was funded in a unique partnership. Because this was a conservation initiative, the Madison Conservation Commission asked the Board of Selectmen to partner in the cost sharing. When this was announced at Town meeting, the crowd spontaneously erupted into applause! Additionally, because this effort will directly support lake health, the Silver Lake Association of Madison (devoted to lake health) and Silver Lake Boat Club (devoted to lake health and recreational boating) Boards of Directors are recommending monetary contributions from those organizations to the MCC.

  • Includes liquid brine spray tank with computerized controls to minimize the amount sprayed and keeps a record of amounts and locations sprayed
  • For winter & summer road maintenance, with calcium chloride in summer to keep dust down, improve air quality
  • Madison could reduce the amount of salt purchased and used by 66%